Social Bookmarking

Explanation on Social Bookmarking

What is Social Bookmarking – Defining

The concept ‘Social bookmarking’ is made up of two words where word ‘bookmarking’ deciphers Record the address of web site, file that could be easily access by the user. Social bookmarking is an online service which Allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents. The concept of shared online bookmarks begins in 1996, with the launch of the very first social bookmark, Basically links are listed on a network, than who so ever had access to that network can search for links that pertain to the keywords that person is searching for. If you want some particular link, then you have to search for keywords associated with it. Generally keywords are optimized on their webpages.

Basically social bookmarking means to bookmark your favorite links or sites and it also allows people to add links they like, not just their own. Some of these websites are private and you have to pay a fee to search through them, but others are free for anyone to use, obviously looking for regular people to use them. Social bookmarking has some excellent marketing qualities, or nobody would do it. There are many ways in which social bookmarking helps in exploring business. The major benefit of social bookmarking is that it attracts more customers to your site and draws lot of traffic to you. Some of these social bookmarking websites are Technorati.comDelicious Digg, Diigo, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Newsvine, Simpy, Mister Wong, Twitter, Yahoo Bookmarks, Google Bookmarks and many more. All and all Social bookmarking’ helps a person to explore their business successfully.

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